Why Should You Pay Attention to Your Elderly Loved One’s Feet?

Elderly Care in Montgomery OH

Many family caregivers aren’t aware that their elderly loved one’s feet do so much of the heavy lifting when it comes to keeping their loved one healthy and well. Here are some of the many reasons you should be making foot care a priority for your elderly loved one.Elderly-Care-in-Montgomery-OH

They Help Her to Stay More Active

When your elderly loved one’s feet feel good, it’s easier for her to be up and about. Conversely, when her feet are giving her trouble, your elderly loved one likely doesn’t want to do anything that’s active at all. Since exercise is likely a part of your loved one’s care plan, it’s important to help her to stay as active as she can be.

They Prevent Her from Falling

Your elderly loved one’s feet also have a huge part to play in helping her to stay upright. They’re literally her foundation as she stands and a wobbly foundation isn’t going to support your loved one well at all. Falls are the biggest cause of hospitalization for elderly loved ones and it’s likely that you both want to keep her out of the hospital as much as possible.

They Let You Know When Something Might Be Wrong

Feet are an interesting part of the body because they can let you and your loved one’s doctor know that there is something wrong well before you spot other signs. Especially in the case of diabetes, problems with circulation, and lung issues, your loved one’s feet can give you many different kinds of early warning cues.

The Process Gives You Another Way to Bond with Your Elderly Loved One

Taking care of your elderly loved one’s feet for her is a way for you to strengthen the bond between you. As her caregiver, you’re concerned about all aspects of your loved one’s health. Caring for her feet is one of the nonverbal ways that you make it clear to her that every part of your loved one is important to you. You can even make foot care an activity that you do together as a regular part of your daily lives.

Talk to your loved one’s elderly care providers and to her doctors about what to watch for and how best to care for her feet.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elderly care in Montgomery, OH, please contact the caring staff at Queen City Elder Care today. Serving Cincinnati and Surrounding Communities. Call Us Today (513) 510-4410.

Mark & Michele Vollmer, Co-Owners, Managing Partners
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